Build the Wall, Build the Wall, Build the Wall, Build the Wall..... / by Jonathan Thomson

Last week Jack, my good friend Pip Morgan and I built a dry-stone wall at UWNR. This south facing, sheltered habitat will provide basking places for the resident Adders and Grass Snakes, homes for invertebrates like 'Masonry' (or 'mortar') Bees and perhaps even habitat for small mustelids (stoats or weasels). UWNR doesnt have this habitat within its bounds, so this is a valuable addition.

The dry-stone wall is situated beside the raised bank, which the Adders occupy, and close to the Grass Snake haunts - they favouring the lake and sedge marsh.

The dry-stone wall is situated beside the raised bank, which the Adders occupy, and close to the Grass Snake haunts - they favouring the lake and sedge marsh.